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Q: The inablity of the muscle to contract forcefully after prolonged activity?
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Scotland Yard never claimed to have captured Jack The Ripper and in fact were ridculed for their inablity to catch him. It resulted in many conspiracy theories, some involving the royal family, the police force and even Inspector Fredrick Abberline.

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Bankruptcy law is when a judge declears that you have the inablity or impairment to pay a debt.creditors may file an involintary bankrupcy to reclaim some of their debt.

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friction on the road can be al life or death situation. when there is a loss in friction or stickiness in tires it could result in cause understeeer or oversteer. if you not a drift racer then these would be bad things. wet conditions can create a loss in friction and can cause you to hydroplane. that's when your car is no longer riding on the road surface instead it is riding on the water. this can lead to all sorts of pproblems like inablity to stop or steer.

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I've been taking Prozac for over 15yrs. and I have not side effects Well I guess not everyone was so lucky not to suffer from this drug, I took this drug between the years of 1997 to 2001, not only did I suffer from everyone of the side-effects, but some of them are still with me today. I was prescribed this drug for depression, what wasnt know about this drug is that some of the side effects are permanent, such as akathisia(the inablity to stay still) it also can cause permanent depression, bi-polar disorders, hypokinesia, if you wanna know more go to

Can a 17-year-old special education student transfer schools without parental consent once he has moved out of the home?

No, the 17-year-old is a minor and could not arbitrarily change schools without consent from his or her parents or the court. Likely not but, however exigency, special educucation may or may not imply a inablity, and a 17-year-old's a rights vary by state. What rights a 17-year-old are afforded are state dependent, what constitutes special needs may or may not factor, arbitrary, meaning of one's own free will without may vary, and exigent circumstances also determine restrictions, state laws may vay rights and federal law may not apply. However, if the child provided sufficient reason, (abuse, neglect, or consent) and absent emancipation, yes. States law varies and age may provide or deny, and each state may provide for situations, which may allow.

How was Martha Tabram connected to the Ripper murders?

Tabram, without a doubt was also a victim of the serial killer known as Jack The Ripper. Martha was killed on August 7, 1888, at least 3 weeks before the death of Mary Ann (Polly) Nichols. There were at least 3 murders before Tabram's that are also thought to be the work of the same killer. It is a well-perpetuated myth that Nichols was the Ripper's first victim and that Mary Jane Kelly on November 9, 1888, was his last. This is simply not true. These myths did not come from Scotland Yard. Detectives as late as 1891 were investigating quietly numerous other murders by the same killer. What was appearant after Kelly's murder was a lack of information related to the case in local newspapers and pamphlets. I have never been able to discern why the press lost interest in the case after November. It is possible that the order came from Scotland Yard to refuse the killer space in the headlines. It is also possible that the order came from the Queen herself. The Yard's inablity to catch the elusive Whitechapel killer may have been an embarassment for the Queen and Scotland Yard's best and brightest. Whatever the reason, it has given birth to many misconceptions and errors that plague the case to this day.

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There were many ways Americans helped the war efforts. At some point, people would let soldiers live in there houses, women would work in factories to help war production, and many would give up the nylons they wore to help the effort.