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Q: The larger the soil particle the coarser it will be?
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Choose the statement that is true.The larger the soil particle the coarser it will be.The smaller the soil particle the coarser it will be.The wetter the soil particle the coarser it will be.The larger the soil particle the finer it will be?

the longer the soil partical the coarser it will be

The smaller the soil particle the coarser it will be?


Does soil have a larger particle size than gravel?

No, gravel has the larger particles.

Do all soil looks and feel the same?

soil texture is some what the same there are soils with coarse or rough texture and there those with fine smooth texture . soil texture is due to the size of the particles that make it up. there are 3 main types of soil particle :-sand, with coarser or larger particles-silt, with medium sized particles-clay, with the finest or smallest particles

What is the moisture holding capacity of loamy soil?

soil is made up of two componet tiny bits of mineral particle which from larger rocks

What contains more air when in a container sand soil or pebbles?

The larger the particle, the more space/air there is around it.

Is particle density influence by the soil texture?

soil texture is heavily influenced by particle density

How does soil particle size affect drainage?

The bigger the particle size, the more drainage the soil would have. The smaller the particle sizer, the less drainage the soil would have. ITS EASY

The coarser the soil texture the more precipitation that can pass through it true of false?


What is the difference between soil texture and soil structure in soil science terms?

soil texture refers to particle sizes. whereas soil structure refers to particle arrangements

What soil has the largest particle size?


What does the texture or particle size of the soil determine?

soil ferility