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Are called a file extension. They typically describe the function of the file. .exe stands for an executable file, a .jpg is an image compression, .doc is a Microsoft Word document, etc.

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Q: The last characters after the period in a file name?
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What is one are more characters following the last period in a file name such as exe txt or avi?

file extension

A set of three characters following the period in a file name is called?

The extension.

What is a file that is the last 3 characters that follow the file name that identify the type of program used to create the file?

The file extension. It comes after the file nice, after the last dot in the name. For example someTextDocumet.txt has the extension TXT for plain text. The program that created it is most likely the default one for opening it.

How many characters can be in a file name using Windows 95?

Windows 95 supported file names up to 255 characters in length.

What is the maximum length of a file name in MS-DOS in NTFS?

On FAT16 partitions, you are limited to 8 characters for the name plus 3 for the file extension. If you have FAT32 and a capable kernel, you can use up to 255 characters in total as a file name.In the original MS-DOS of the pre-Windows 95 era, filenames were only allowed to have 8 letters, followed by a period '.', then only 3 letters for the file extension.After Windows 95, filenames can have a maximum of 255 characters.

A file name can have a maximum of characters?


What is the longest file name you can have?

About 260 characters.

What are the rules and regulation in naming a file and its extension?

1. a) File length up to 78 characters, including the extensionb) The naming not containing \ / : * ? " < > or | symbolsc) The base name and extension must be separated by a period.

What file names are legal under the DOS file naming rules?

8.3 file name i.e. &lt;8 characters fo filename&gt;.&lt;3 chars for extension&gt; But U can not use special characters in file name as \ / : * ? " &lt; &gt; |

Which character is not allowed in a long file name?

Following characters are not allowed in the file name (Separated by comma). /, \, ?, %, *, :, |, ", &lt; and &gt;

What is the maximum length of a file name in MS DOS?

On FAT16 partitions, you are limited to 8 characters for the name plus 3 for the file extension. If you have FAT32 and a capable kernel, you can use up to 255 characters in total as a file name.In the original MS-DOS of the pre-Windows 95 era, filenames were only allowed to have 8 letters, followed by a period '.', then only 3 letters for the file extension.After Windows 95, filenames can have a maximum of 255 characters.

Is the last 3 characters that follow the file name that identify the type of program used to create the file?

Yes. If the file ends with .zip, it is a ZIP Archive file. There is a way to change the extension, however, using an extension changer found on the internet. The filename extension (characters to the right of the dot in the file name) identifies the type of file (unless this extension is renamed by a computer user) in most cases. The type of file will identify what can use or open the file, but not necessarily what created the file.