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Q: The law of conservation of mass was first introduced by who?
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What law states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in chemical or physical changes?

The law of conservation of mass/matter states that mass/matter cannot be created or destroyed in chemical or physical changes.

What law represents a balanced chemical equation?

The law of conservation of mass, which states that in a closed system, mass is neither created nor destroyed, it can only change form. This means that in a chemical reaction that takes place in a closed system, the mass of the reactants equals the mass of the products.

How was the law of conservation of mass determined?

The law of conservation of mass states that in an isolated system, energy is neither created nor destroyed. It was first described by Antoine Lavoisier in 1789 and was later amended by Einstein in the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy.

What scientific law is satisfied when balancing equations?

Law of Conservation of mass(atomic mass). As mass can be considered relative to energy, therefore Law of Conservation is also correct but Law of conservation of mass is is much more accurate because here mass is a much more accurate term that is required here. Here, since, we are balancing molecules, then we require atomic or molecular mass.

What law states that energy is neither lost nor gained?

That would be the law of conservation of mass, conservation of matter.

What are the law of conservation of mass as it relates to phase changes?

it is the same as the law of conservation of mass

How are the law of conservation of enegry and the law of mass similar?

The Law of conservation of Energy applies to mass as mass is a form of energy, E=mc2.

Which scientific law predicts that the mass of the reactants before a chemical reaction will equal the mass of the products after the reaction has taken place?

Law of Conservation of Mass (aka Law of Conservation of Matter)

Which law physical science must be followed when balancing chemical equations?

the law of conservation of mass

In what situations would mass be conserved?

This is a general law of nature - the law of mass conservation.

How this law was created law of conservation of mass?

it conserves mass

Law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The law of Conservation of Energy. Actually, that law has been superceded now by a slightly different one. Recently (maybe 100 years ago) it was learned that energy can become mass and mass can become energy. So the law had to be modified to say that the total combination of mass and energy can't be created or destroyed.