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natural selection

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Q: The lizard population changes into 80 percent dark-colored lizards and 20 percent light-colored lizards What is this an example of?
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Which is an example of genetic drift?

Allele frequencies change randomly each generation. APEX

What are three causes of a population decrease in size?

Lack of food; changes in environment that affect agriculture and hunting ability; disease (for example, the Black Plague); genocide

Are pets in your neighborhood an example of a population?

Yes, they are an an example of the pet population.

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what are some physical changes when rusting metal is an example

What does biochemical changes mean can someone give you an example?

Biochemical changes are changes that happen inside of the body of an animal or plant. These examples include puberty for adolescents for example.

Gasoline is an example of energy released by blank changes?

The coubustion of gasoline is an example of energy released by chemical changes

How do you put population model in a sentence?

population model is an example of population .

What is example of the coping with rapid population growth?

example o the coping with rapid population growth

How do you put population in a sentence?

population model is an example of population .

What are the changes that can be reversed?

example of change can be reversed

What is a part of microevolution?

One example of microevolution is genetic variation within a population. This occurs because of the accumulation of small changes in the frequency of alleles (alternative forms of a gene) over generations.

Changes in pressure which can cause rocks to crack is an example of what?

Changes in pressure which can cause rocks to crack is an example of mechanical weathering. It refers to the disintegration and decomposition of rocks.