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Q: The long thin wax-coated needles of conifers help the trees?
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How does a conifers triangular shape help protect it?

the answer is SUNLIGHT!!!the shape of triangle help that the needles get more sunlight and protect also with snow , so the tree wont hold much weight!

How pine needles help pine tree conserve water?

Trees lose water through transpiration (the passing of water vapor to the atmosphere). Pine needles are waxy, have a small surface area and have a groove in which the stomata are located. These features reduce transpiration.

What would help identify the difference between species of an evergreen tree?

There are many ways of identifying different species of evergreens..Among the conifers the outline of the mature tree will help. The needles are different, the cones are different and the bark will be different. Among other evergreens shape and leaves are the main clues.

Why do Christmas trees smell like pine?

because Christmas trees are pine, unless they're artificial!

Why do evergreen trees keep their needles in the winter?

because a bird broke its wing and the spruce, pine, and juniper tree offered to help it heal until springtime. the frost king told the wind not to pluck their leaves, or needles. that is why :)))

What two structures help conifers to reproduce?

Conifers develop male and female cones for sexual reproduction and produce seeds on female cones

Why do coniferous trees have needle shaped leaves?

The trees that have needles instead of flat leaves, have them because Needles reduce evaporation so trees can save water. especially during the winter. The narrow leaves have a thicker skin, a thicker coating of waterproof wax and a needle-like shape reducing the leaf area and the amount of water vapor escaping the leaf.

Various types of modified leaves?

The cactus modified leaves to sreate its spines, which are used for protection and storage of water. Carniverous plants have the "mouths," which are modified to help the plant obtain its needed nitrogen. Coniferous trees created needles instead of leaves. These needles are used for water storage and photosynthesis, and they have a very thick cuticle.

What is a conical?

Conifers are cone bearing trees.Conifers are because they help the world with pretty needles and pleasant scents, almost as if someone planned it just that way. Perhaps one day ice cream conifers will, and why not? conifers are every shape and sizethey also have spiky needles coming from out of there body.

How do trees help humans?

Trees help us by giving us oxygen.

How are sticky seed cones helpful to conifers?

they help by clinging to things and going to other places

What trees help make trees?

sometimes trees grow from other roots of trees