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The lunar module that landed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission was named "Eagle."

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What was the name of 1st space ship landed on the moon?

The lunar module that landed on the moon was named Eagle.

What was the name of thenspacecraft that niel Armstrong landed on the moon in 1968?

Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landed on the moon in a crafy called the Lunar module named The Eagle.

What was the name of Armstrong and Aldrin and Collins spacecraft during the Apollo 11 mission?

The spacecraft used during the Apollo 11 mission was called "Columbia." The lunar module that landed on the moon was named "Eagle."

What is the name of the lunar module?

The lunar module was named "Eagle" during the Apollo 11 mission when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in 1969.

Where did the lunar module land on the moon?

The lunar module landed near the southwestern rim of the Sea of Tranquility on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. The specific location was named Tranquility Base.

What was the name of the Apollo 12 lunar module?

The Apollo 12 lunar module was named "Intrepid." It landed on the Moon on November 19, 1969, carrying astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean.

Where on the lunar surface did the first manned landing occured?

The Apollo 11 Lunar Module landed on the moon on July 20th 1969 at a place named the Sea of Tranquility.

Why was The spaceship that landed on the moon was called The Eagle....why?

The spaceship the lunar module was called the Eagle. It was named after the novel written by the French author Jules Verne.He wrote a book From The Earth To The Moon.In that three men went to the moon and landed on the moon in craft called The Eagle.

What was the capsules name on Apollo 11?

The command module on Apollo 11 was named "Columbia," while the lunar module was named "Eagle."

What was the first rocket that landed on the moon called?

The first rocket that successfully landed on the moon was the Apollo 11 Lunar Module named "Eagle." It carried astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.

What was name of the spacecraft of Apollo 17?

On each of the Apollo Moon landing missions, one astronaut stayed orbiting the Moon in the Command Module whilst the other two crew members landed in the Lunar Module. The two spacecraft needed separate call signs, otherwise when Mission Control called from Earth they wouldn't know which of the craft was being referred to. On Apollo 17, the Lunar Module - flown by Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt - was called "Challenger" and the Command Module - flown by Ronald Evans - was called "America".

Is the Apollo 11 space ship on the moon?

Yes, the Apollo 11 spacecraft that carried humans to the moon in 1969 landed on the moon's surface, specifically in the Sea of Tranquility. The Lunar Module, named Eagle, separated from the Command Module in lunar orbit before astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descended to the lunar surface.