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Q: The main jobs of the large intestine are .?
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What is the funcition of the large intestine?

The main function of the large intestine is water absorption.

What is the large intestines main job?

the main job of the large intestine is to suck nutrients.

Is the large intestine before the small intestine?

No, the small intestine precedes the large intestine. The former digests and absorbs all the main nutrients, while the large intestine absorbs water and stores faeces ahead of assimilation.

What are the main organs of digestion?

the large intestine, small intestine, pancreas and mabey lungs

What extends from the stomach to the large intestine and aborbs nuterients?

The small intestine extends from the stomach to the large intestine. It is the main site of nutrient absorption in the reproductive tract.

What job does the large intestines do for the human body?

The main job of the large intestine is to eliminate solid waste matter in the form of feces. The other important jobs that it does are: reabsorption of water and minerals (electrolytes) and some vitamins.

How does activities in the large intestine help maintain homeostasis?

The main job of the large intestine is to absorb water from the undigested mass. It keeps large amounts of water in your body which helps the large intestine maintain homeostasis.

Large intestines job?

The main job of the large intestine is to absorb water.

What are the four main organs in the digestive system?

The esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine.

What is the main fuction of the large intestine?

Reabsoption of water, salts and vitaminsElimination of wastesThe bacteria present in large intestine synthesize vitamins

What jobs do the large intestines do?

the large intestine absorbs water and starts to digest it and goes through the rectum

What are the two jobs of the small intestine?

To absorb the nutrients from the food and send it to the large intestine