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Inside the nucleus.

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Q: The majority of the atom's mass is found in the?
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Where does majority of a atoms mass come from?

Very nearly all of the mass of an atom is found in the nucleus in the form of Protons and Neutrons. Electrons and "binding energy" contribute a tiny amount of additional mass.

In atoms protons and neutrons are found where?

Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom. Protons have a positive charge, while neutrons have no charge. Together, they make up the majority of an atom's mass.

What has no charge but add mass to the atoms?

Neutrons have no charge and contribute to the mass of an atom. They reside in the nucleus along with protons.

What is the formula mass of O5F2?

formula mass= atomic mass(found at the bottom of the element in question on the periodic table) multiplied by the quantity of atoms, repeat for other atoms and add together

If five atoms of hydrogen are reactants in a chemical reaction then how many atoms of hydrogen will be found in the products of that reaction?

Mass is conserved in a chemical reaction, so the mass before must equal the mass after. If you have five atoms before, you must have five atoms after.

Are atoms found in groups or separated?

Yes, both.The vast majority of atoms like to group with other atoms, but a few (e.g. Noble Gasses) like to be separated and alone.

How does density relate to atoms found in an object?

Density is a property that quantifies how much mass is present in a given volume. Since atoms are the building blocks of all matter, the density of an object is influenced by the types and arrangement of atoms it contains. Objects with a higher number of atoms packed closely together will have a higher density compared to objects with fewer atoms or where atoms are more spread out.

How many atoms of He gas are found in 0.268 g. the molar mass of He. the moles of He. the number of atoms of He gas .?

There is apporximately 0.07 mol of He in .268g, which is approximately 4.21x10^-23 atoms.

Where is most of the atoms mass found?

The majority of an atom's mass is concentrated in the nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons. Electrons, which are much smaller in mass than protons and neutrons, occupy the space surrounding the nucleus.

What is the relationship of mass to density?

The relationship of mass to density is that density is found by dividing mass over volume. Density is how tightly packed atoms are in an object while mass is how much something weighs.

Where is the great majority of the mass of the atom found?

Most of the mass of an atom is found in its nucleus.

How many Helium-atoms and Carbon-atoms do you have if you have He-atoms with mass of 40amu and C-atoms with mass of 120amu?

Mass of 1 Helium atom is 4 amu and mass of 1 Carbon atom is 12 amu. So there are 10 helium atoms and 10 carbon atoms