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Q: The massive influx of immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was beneficial to which party?
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The population of Jewish immigrants had DOUBLED by 1952 because of the massive influx of Jews fleeing the Islamic World who came to Israel.

What were the effects of the massive influx?

In order, regret and heartburn.

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1840s to 1850s

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Depression, poverty and huge influx of immigrants.

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B. An upsurge of anti-Catholicism.

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So they are prepared for a massive influx of casualties.

What were the various governmental and social reaction to the influx of immigrants?

Governments implemented immigration restrictions and quotas, as well as assimilation policies to manage the influx of immigrants. Social reactions included nativist movements, discrimination, and instances of xenophobia towards immigrants. However, there were also efforts to provide support and assistance to help immigrants integrate into their new societies.