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Captive breeding programs. The red wolf is an example of how successful this can be.

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Q: The mating of animals in zoos or wildlife preserves to protect severely endangered species is called?
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How many wildlife preserves in US?

Currently, there are 2,205 wildlife preserves registered as operational in the United States. Each year, 80-100 preserves are destroyed by wild animals but financial support from Americans has kept the foundation alive. The American Wildlife Preservation Foundation Committee is ranked 24th on the top 30 wildlife preserves worldwide.

How you save your wildlife?

by saving endangered animals

Why are there endangered animals in savannahs?

There are endangered animals in ALL habitats. Human activity has affected wildlife EVERYWHERE.

How could you save your wildlife?

by saving endangered animals

How many animals are endangered in the world?

According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are around 30 endangered species.

Is there endangered wildlife in the Great Smoky Mountains?

Yes their is endangered animals in the great smoky mountains

What are the non-endangered animals in the us?

Over ninety per cent of the animals in the U.S. are not endangered or threatened in any way.See U.S.Fish and Wildlife for an endangered list.

Does wildlife safari have endangered animals?

Yeah mostly just that idiot

Why is wildlife endangered in Antarctica?

None of the animals that breed on Antarctica's beaches -- all live at sea -- are endangered.

Slogans for endangered animals?

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Should animals be kept in zoo's quotes?

Animals that are in zoos don't belong cooped up like they are in zoos. The wildlife preserves are more natural and they are easier for the animals.

What is a captive breeding?

Captive breeding is when a zoo or wildlife preserve will breed endangered animals or non endangered to help them survive.