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I read somewhere that tea has tannin in it, may be coffee does too.

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Q: The mechanism of action that makes caffeine a diuretic is its?
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What is a diurectic?

A Diuretic is a chemical that makes you have to go pee. Examples are caffeine and Alcohol.

What is the mechanism of action that makes alcohol a diuretic?

Yes. Alcohol inhibits anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) release in your brain. ADH aids in water reabsorption in the kidneys, so when ADH release is inhibited by alcohol your body cannot retain as much water so you will urinate more which can lead to dehydration.

How does caffeine effect urine output?

Caffeine has two major effects on the human body. One, it acts as a stimulant, ramping up heart rate, dilating blood vessels, etc. Two, it acts as a diuretic, causing the kidneys to put more water into the urine than normal, filling the bladder faster. Caffeine does make you pee more often than if you drank decaf beverages. Try it some time: drink caffeine free alternatives for a day, and see how your bathroom time compares. Excess or just a little bit, caffeine will make you pee.

Why does cranberry make you pee?

Cranberry is a natural diuretic! (makes you pee)

What is spironolactone 50 mg?

A diuretic. "water pill" makes you pee

What chemicals are found in pandan roots or leaves that makes it diuretic?


Does chocolate makes you go?

Yes, chocolate in large amounts can be a diuretic (makes your stool soft or runny).

What is it in coffee that makes you energetic?


Can coffee make you feel less hungry?

It won't stop hunger. Coffee is a diuretic it pulls the water out of your body. The hunger you feel is from the caffeine and hose down lose. Caffeine makes your body burn more energy and the wet lose dehydrates your muscles. Try drinking more water and working out. But from my own experience, no. Coffee fills you up. Your basically drinking a meal. Coffee is a stimulant, it does what is said above.

How does caffeine effect the brain?

Caffeine is a stimulant, and therefore makes the processes in you brain work faster.

How does caffeine raise the pulse rate?

there is so much sugar in caffeine it makes your blood pump!

What has a lot of caffeine in it?

makes you hiper