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some rock melt at 2000F what is this temperaturein the celsius scale

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Q: The melting point of sulfur is 115 C What is the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature?
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What is sulfur state of matter at room temperature?

Sulfur is solid at room temperature. Its melting point is 115.21 oC, 239.38 °F

How do you burn sulphur?

To burn sulfur, you need to heat it to its ignition temperature of approximately 246 degrees Celsius (475 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it reaches this temperature, it will start to burn and produce sulfur dioxide gas and sulfur trioxide. It is important to handle burning sulfur with caution due to the toxic fumes it can produce.

What is the melting point of sulfur expressed in degrees celsius?

The melting point of sulfur is 115.21 degrees Celsius.

What is the melting point and boiling point for sulfur?

Sulfur has a melting point of 115.21°C and a boiling point of 444.6°C.

At what temperature does sulfur boil at?

I did a science project on producing concrete with molten (heated) sulfur to see if it was possible to make concrete without water. (It was.) I boiled my sulfur at 302 degrees fahrenheit, which is 150 degrees celsius. I am not sure if this is the exact boiling point, but the sulfur does boil at this temperature.

Separate elemental sulfur from sugar?

melting temperature of sugar is 145 C and sulfur is 115 C there is 30 C melting temperature difference so we can melt sulfur easily to separate from sugar. take a bowl and add mixture, set the bowl in oven and set 115 C for one or two minutes. after the time pass. immediately pour the melted sulfur into another bowl with hanger. you will get some elemental sulfur some will solidify do this again at least you gain all elemental sulfur.

What temperature does sulphur heat?

Sulfur typically melts at around 239 degrees Celsius (462 degrees Fahrenheit) and boils at around 444.6 degrees Celsius (832.3 degrees Fahrenheit).

Does sulfur have a high or low melting point?

Sulfur has a low melting point of 115.21 degrees Celsius.

What is sulfur melting and boiling points?

Sulfur's melting point is 115.21 degrees Celsius and its boiling point is 444.6 degrees Celsius.

How long does it take for sulfur to melt?

Sulfur melts at a relatively low temperature of 115.21 degrees Celsius (239.38 degrees Fahrenheit). It takes only a short amount of time, around a few minutes, for solid sulfur to melt into a liquid state at this temperature.

What is the boiling point and melting point of Sulfur in celsius?

The boiling point of sulfur is 444.6°C, and the melting point is 115.21°C.

Is sulfur solid liquid or a gas?

a solid.....