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virtual memory

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Q: The method of using the hard drive as though it were RAM is called?
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Virtual memory is a method of simulating?

memory by using hard drive space

A method of separating mixtures by using chromatographic paper and a solvent?

This method is called paper chromatography.

Which method of fertilization do horses use?

Horses breed using a method called internal fertilization.

What is the separation method using a magnet called?

Magnetic Seperation

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What is thee method called when you separate rice from flour?

Using a sieve

Using science to solve everyday problems is called what?

-they use scientific method -they use trial and error method

A method for locating points using the coordinate plane is called?

It is coordinated geometry

What are some advantages using graphic scale method for apraisals?

to reduce the errors though the map shrinks or expands

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science biology

The part of an experiment which is used for comparison with the actual test is called?

using the scientific method

How do you copy music on a floppy?

Use a floppy drive, drag and drop the files you want. The space you have though will be extremely limited, as your using a floppy drive