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Pick up oxygen and give up carbon dioxide

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Q: The microscopic air sacs or alveoli are the sites where the blood what?
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Alveoli are microscopic air sacs branching off the?

respiratory bronchioles

Describe what happens in the alveoli sacs?

When we inhale in and out oxygen moves from the alveoli to blood carbon dioxide moves from blood to alveoli.

What Sacs in lungs that move oxygen to blood?

They are the alveoli.

What are the tiny sacs that exchange gas with the blood?


What is alvoeli?

Alveoli is the plural of alveolus. This is the name of the microscopic air sacs in the lungs where inspired gas comes in contact with capillaries of the pulmonary circulation, allowing gas exchange between air and blood. Oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood inside the alveoli.

What are those tiny sacs that pass into the blood stream called?


What are the air sacs in your lungs?

Alveoli alveoli - air sacs in your lungs

What takes oxygen from the air into the blood?

Blood capillaries surrounding air sacs called alveoli.

Where does the exchange of gases between blood air occur?

Simply put, the gas exchange occurs in the lungs. More specifically, the blood exchange occurs at the avoli, the "air sacs" in the lungs where the surrounding capillaries can be oxygenated.

The air sacs in the lings where gases move into and out of the blood are called?

bronchi ,alveoli, or veins

Air sacs in the lungs through which oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse into and out of the blood are the?


Where does oxygen enter the blood and carbon dioxide leave the blood?

Oxygen must enter our blood and Carbon Dioxide must leave the blood through our lungs. They do so by diffusion between the cappillaries.