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Q: The middle skin of leaves is called?
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Related questions

What is middle layer of skin called?

I believe it is called the dermis!

Can you eat the middle of a pineapple?

Yes; all of the pineapple is edible, but the skin and top leaves are best left for compost!

How use mulberry leaves whiten your skin?

You can use mulberry leaves whiten your skin. You will just need to pound the leaves and use the sap by applying it to your skin for lightening it.

How can mayana leaves cure skin disease?

it can protect your skin if u drink the mayana leaves :)

Which insects leaves its stinger behind in the skin?

The insect that leaves its stinger behind in the skin is a bee. The stinger can be removed from the skin with a tweezers.

What your sweat does when it leaves your skin?

Cools the skin by evaporation

What is the process of giving off vapor containing water from the stomata on leaves or the pores of the skin?

In plants, this process is called transpiration. In animals it is called perspiration

Does lettuce have skin?

No, lettuce has leaves.

What can you get from the papaya leaves?

papaya leaves you can use them for you skin, fresh papaya leaves no matter young or older leaves as long as its fresh, rub it on to you skin while taking shower or bath, (chopped) it will leave your skin soft, and tender. rinse with water.... :) that is one use of papaya leaves, you dont need a body lotion anymore.. thats it !! :)

What type of injection is made into the middle layers of the skin?

An intradermal injection is made into the middle layers of the skin.

Is skin in segments?

The skin comes in three layers, your epidermis is your outermost layer, your dermis is your middle layer and your last layer is called the fatty layer, because it is the thickest layer!

What is the middle layer of the skin called?

The Dermis, between the Epidermus and the subcutaneous tissues.