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Q: The military industrial complex killed him. How might oswald's murder at the hands of Jack Ruby be explained in this conspiracy?
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Which long-standing institution became compromise after the cold war?

The military-industrial complex

Who benefits from the military industrial complex?

i do

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What is meant by the phrase military industrial complex?

not much.

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How does the United States obtain its military arms?

It is called the military industrial complex which Ike warned us about,

Eisenhower's farewell address was describing what?

The growth (and dangers) of the Military-Industrial Complex

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Spending more on the miltary is called military industrial complex.

Which long-standing institution became compromised after the Cold War?

The military-industrial complex

Which president coined the term Military-Industrial Complex?

franklin roosevelt

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President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about the "military-industrial complex" in his farewell address.