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Q: The mineral family that includes the most common and most abundant minerals?
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The mineral family that includes the most common and most abundant minerals smooth cleavage surfaces aid in identification?

The most common mineral group contains silicate minerals.

The mineral family that includes the most common and most abundant mineralssmooth cleavage surfaces aid in identification?

feldspar : this family includes the most common and most abundant of all minerals; smooth cleavage surfaces aid in identification

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What are two most abundant elements in common minerals?

Oxygen and silicon are the two most abundant elements found in the most common minerals. The most common minerals found on Earth are silicates.

Silicon and oxygen combine to form the framework of the most common mineral group?

Silicon and oxygen combine to form the most abundant mineral group, the silicates.

What minerals are most common in detrital sedimentary rocks and why are these minerals so abundant?

We know silicate minerals are the most abundant in detrital sedimentary rocks.Quartzv is a tectosilicate mineral.So quartz is the most abundant and other silicate minerals are also very common in these rocks.

How many mineral groups make up most rocks?

About 200 minerals make up the bulk of most rocks. The feldspar mineral family is the most abundant. Quartz, calcite, and clay minerals are also common. Some minerals are more common in igneous rock (formed under extreme heat and pressure), such as olivine, feldspars, pyroxenes, and micas.

The most common mineral group contains minerals?

Silicates are the most common mineral group.

What are the common mineral?

rock forming minerals

What is the most common class of minerals on Earth?

The silicate group of minerals are the most abundant on the Earth.

What is the most common minerals in earth crust?

quartz and feldspar

What is the most common mineral in the composition of minerals?
