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Q: The mineral particles found in the layers of a soil including topsoil and subsoil layers were originally weathered from what?
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What is pyrite weathered by?

Pyrite is weathered by both exposure to sunlight and to rain or temperature variations. The mineral is relatively easily weathered.

What are gold nuggets?

Naturally occurring, weathered pieces of the elemental mineral gold. often rounded from abrasion with harder rock particles, and varying in size from several millimeters to several centimeters.

Why is the term clastic appropriate particles weathered from solid rock?

Weathering produces rock and mineral fragments known as clastic sediments. The word clastic comes from the Greek word klastos, meaning "broken"

What is the correct order of the processes responsible for the formation of sedimentary rocks?

In clastic (or detrital) sedimentary rock:Weathering of an existing body of igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rock by natural mechanical or chemical means.Erosion of the weathered particles by wind, water, ice, and gravity.Deposition of the particles after transportation.Compaction of the particles by the weight of overlying sediments.Cementation of the particles by mineral precipitation from surrounding fluids.

What is the correct order of the processes responsible for the formation for the sedimentary rocks?

In clastic (or detrital) sedimentary rock:Weathering of an existing body of igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rock by natural mechanical or chemical means.Erosion of the weathered particles by wind, water, ice, and gravity.Deposition of the particles after transportation.Compaction of the particles by the weight of overlying sediments.Cementation of the particles by mineral precipitation from surrounding fluids.

What is the correct order of the processes responsible for the formation of sedimentary rock?

In clastic (or detrital) sedimentary rock:Weathering of an existing body of igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rock by natural mechanical or chemical means.Erosion of the weathered particles by wind, water, ice, and gravity.Deposition of the particles after transportation.Compaction of the particles by the weight of overlying sediments.Cementation of the particles by mineral precipitation from surrounding fluids.

Weathered debris in deserts consists mainly of .?

Unchanged rock and mineral fragments

Which mineral would be weathered the after being placed in a rock tumbler for fifteen minutes?


The rock and mineral fragments in soil come from rock that has been?

rocks that have been weathered

What is the correct order of the process responsible for the formation of sedimentary rock?

In clastic (or detrital) sedimentary rock:Weathering of an existing body of igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rock by natural mechanical or chemical means.Erosion of the weathered particles by wind, water, ice, and gravity.Deposition of the particles after transportation.Compaction of the particles by the weight of overlying sediments.Cementation of the particles by mineral precipitation from surrounding fluids.

What type of sediment does gypsum have?

Rock gypsum is formed by precipitation from saturated solutions that are composed primarily of dissolved gypsum. In this case, there is no true sediment, only the solution containing the dissolved mineral that was originally present in weathered and eroded rock.

When a mineral spontaneously decays into subatomic particles it has this property?

When a mineral spontaneously decays into subatomic particles, it has this property