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Q: The monarchy in where was more powerful than in England?
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In what monarchy was the more powerful than in England?


What monarchy was more powerful than England's?

It depends entirely on the year.

Why was the road to democracy more difficult for France than for England?

The road to democracy was more difficult for France than England due to factors such as deep-rooted social inequalities, centralized monarchy, and frequent political upheavals like the French Revolution. England had a more gradual evolution towards democracy through a series of reforms, a strong tradition of parliamentary governance, and a more stable transition of power. France's history of monarchies and revolutions created more challenges in establishing a stable democratic system.

Why was the road to democracy more difficult for France then for England?

France had a much stronger monarchy than England.

Which document made Parliament more powerful than the monarchy?

If we are talking about Great Britain: the Bill of Rights of 1689.

What type of government did England have in the 17th century?

England was a monarchy until 1688 CE. While it was the monarchy state, parliament's power was limited by the ruler. After the Glorious Revolution of 1688, England became a constitutional monarchy and parliament had more power than the ruler.

What modern country is governed by a monarchy?

First of all a Monarchy is when the crown is passed down through the family there is more than one country there is a list actually If you only need one then Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy. England is another monarchy hopee this helps

Who has power over the queen of england?

The houses of Parliament have the true power in England. Together, its members are more powerful than the royal family.

Is dealing with democratic countries more predictable than countries that have Monarchy?

yes, because they have dictators in Monarchy telling them what to do. In the United States the democratic have more freedom they are more free than Monarchy.

What impact did the Glorious Revolution have on England from a political point of view?

No ruler will have more power than the parliament.

The Anglican Church was a more powerful force in colonial life than the Congregational Church of New England?


Is the UK powerful then England during Medieval Times?

During medieval times, the United Kingdom did not exist. England and Scotland were separate kingdoms, often at war with one another. England was usually more powerful than Scotland, but Scotland was sometimes allied with France.