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molecular hydrogen H2

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Q: The most common molecule in a molecular cloud is?
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What is the most abundant material in a giant molecular cloud?


What is a molecular orbital?

A cloud of electrons orbit an atom and its nucleus.

Which molecule has a tetrahedral molecular geometry?

There are many, but the most common is methane (CH4).

What is the most abundant molecule in interstellar clouds besides molecular hydrogen?

The most abundant molecule in interstellar clouds besides molecular hydrogen is carbon monoxide (CO). It is frequently used by astronomers as a tracer for studying the presence of molecular clouds and star formation activities.

What is an example of an atom that only exists in its molecular form?

A molecule of helium (He) is an example of an atom that exists only in its molecular form, as helium naturally occurs as a diatomic molecule (He2).

Is NaCl salt the second most common molecule on earth after H2O?

The most common molecule on earth is SiO2.

If you wanted to observe a molecular cloud in what wavelength of light would you most likely observe?


What is a molecule with a large molecular mass.?

UHMPE - Ultra High Mass Polyethylene - but most polymers, by definition, have high molecular mass.

Is 44 amu is equal to molecular mass?

It depends on the molecule. Carbon dioxide has a molecular mass of about 44 AMU, but most other molecules do not.

How many atoms are there in the molecule of phospherous P4?

The answer is four. The molecular formula of any element or compund gives you the number of atoms of each element in a molecule. For phosphorus the most common form is P4 . The molecules are tetrahedral with a P atom at each apex.

What are the 2 most common elements and compounds?

the most common element is hydrogen and its molecule of two hydrogen atoms is the most common molecule

Diatomic molecule with a triple covalent bond?

Nitrogen gas (N2) is a diatomic molecule with a triple covalent bond between the two nitrogen atoms. The three pairs of electrons are shared between the atoms, resulting in a stable molecular structure due to the strong triple bond.