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1w ago

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is considered the most concentrated source of stored energy in cells. ATP stores energy in the form of high-energy phosphate bonds that can be readily broken to release energy for cellular processes.

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Q: The most concentrated source of stored energy is a molecule of?
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How is energy stored in a molecule?

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What energy-transferring molecule in cells provides an immediate source of energy usable to all body cells?

I think you are referring to the mitochondria. They release energy stored in food.

How can energy be stored?

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Where is energy stored in the molecule of ATP?

An ATP molecule is made of ribose, adenosine, and phosphate. The energy is stored within the bonds of the phosphate molecules.

Where is the energy in the sucrose molecule stored?

The energy in a sucrose molecule is stored in the interatomic bonds such as the carbon-oxygen bonds and the oxygen-hydrogen bonds.

How is energy stored in respiration?

Chemical energy is stored in form of bonds

What is a potential energy of a molecule?

Energy stored in molecular bonds

Where is energy stored in a triglyceride molecule?

in its bonds

Where is energy stored in a molecule?

Energy is stored in a molecule in the form of chemical bonds between atoms. When these bonds are broken, energy is released, and when new bonds are formed, energy is consumed. The specific arrangement of atoms and bonds in a molecule determines how much energy is stored within it.

Which molecule is used by living to store and transfer energy?

Most living things use sugars as a source of energy. Energy can be stored as fats or sugars, and it can be transported as those molecules as well.