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Q: The most controversial ADD learning disability or autism?
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What are considered to be learning disabilities?

I would say Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism , Mental retardation and hearing impairment

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Do most people with autism have learning difficulties?

No, most autistic people do not have learning difficulties. Although learning difficulties are common with autism, especially in childhood, it's not true for all.

What is the most common learning disability in the US?

In the United States, the most common learning disability is dyslexia. According to the University of Michigan Health Center, 80 percent of students with a learning disorder have it.

Is learning disabilitie a signs of autism?

It could be; but not nessaserally, many people with autism (but by no means all) have learning disabilities, but if someone has learning difficulties but shows no Social Difficulties or any other autistic symptoms, then they most likely are not autistic.

What was Albert Einstein disability?

well most of his teachers thought he had a learning disability. Dyslexic maybe,

Is scoliosis a physical disability?

None of the above. Autism is a neurological difference that you either are or are not - how it affects you can be mild, moderate or severe but this can change throughout your life. Autism is known as Autism Spectrum Disorder but this assumes that Neurotypical is the norm and Autism is a fault in a brain that was supposed to be Neurotypical, many people find this offensive and instead insist it is a variation in brains (like race is a variation in skin colour and physical characteristics) not a disorder. Autism itself also isn't a disability, a person with autism may be disabled by their autism or by other people's prejudice or lack of support of their differences, but in itself Autism is not a disability - not all autistic people are disabled by autism.

Why is autism labeled a disability?

Are you serious? A speech impediment is classified as a disability. Kids with autism often have an inability to speak or interact socailly with anyone. Not to mention the debilitatingly strong reactions to sensory imput that can make the world unbearable to live in. The most severe cases will NEVER be potty trained and might not even be able to learn how to walk or use motor skills. Most people with autism will never be able to hold a job or live independently. What part of this doesn't sound like a disabilty?

Is there protection to play HS sports if a learning disability impairs your grades?

it depends on what state you live in but most likely not

Why is ADHD considered a learning disability?

not really, but you are considered as having a learning difference. a lot of kids with ADHD however do have learning disabilities. still, even if you don't, you may still be eligible for special education.

Can people with autism take GCSE's?

Yes. Most schools will allow this anyway. It depends on the individual. If they also have learning difficulties then possably not; but if they are fine accidemicly then yes.

Who had a child who survived autism?

most people with autistic children, autism is not fatal