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Modern takes on Mythology- Days of the Week

A simple example of Mythology in modern life are the days of the week.When the vikings invaded they had their own gods, the Norse gods.These were the main influences,however the Romans also contributed.

Monday is from the Roman 'moons day'.

Tuesday is from Nordic Tyr's day, the god of strength and war.

Wednesday is from the Nordic Woden's day, or Odin's day,the all-father and god of wisdom.

Thursday is from the Nordic Thor's day,the god of thunder,storms and strength.

Friday comes from Frey's day, the Nordic god of fertility and fruitfulness.

Saturday comes from the greco-roman Saturn's (Cronus) day,he was the god of agriculture and the father of Jupiter or Zeus.

There are also derivations for the months but I will do that later.

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Q: The names of the seven days of the week are based on what?
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Why does a week have seven days?

Because it took God 7 days to build the earth.

How many days in a week on Mars?

A week is defined as a period of 7 days. So a Mar's week is also seven days. Curiously a day on Mars is only 24.622 Earth hours

Why are the day of the week named as they are?

Sunday after the sun,Monday after the moon .Wednesday after Odin or Wodin. Thursday after Thor. Friday after Frigga ,Odin's Wife. Tuesday and Saturday ? The seven days of the week are derived from the Latin language and are usually associated with seven planets. Sunday/sun, Monday/moon, Tuesday/Mars, Wednesday/Mercury, Thursday/Jupiter, Friday/Venus and Saturday/Saturn. Though from an English perspective, it seems strange to come up with these names from the names of these planets, the week day names come from the Latin version names of these planets and/or the gods/goddess' associated with them.

Is it false that the names of the seven days of the week are derived from the names of the members of the solar system that are visible to the naked eye?

It is false. The names of the days of the week recall: -- the Sun (but Spanish: "Domingo") -- the Moon -- Tiw, the Germanic god of war (although in German: "Dienstag") -- Wodin, Wotan, Odin, chief deity of the Germanic peoples (although in German ... "Mitwoch", meaning "mid-week") -- Thor, old English Unresdæg, literally "day of thunder" (German: "Donnerstag" ... "Thunderday") -- Old English "Frigedæg", day of the goddess "Frigg", from a prehistoric Germanic verb "to love", also the ancestor of the English "friend" and "free". -- Saturn's day (Spanish: "Sabado", meaning "Sabbath")

What day of the week will it be in 9000 days?

9,000 days is 5 days more than 1285 weeks, so the day of the week in 9000 days will be five days earlier in the week, or two days later in the week, than it is today. As an example, if today is Wednesday it will be Friday in 9,000 days.