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Nuclear binding energy, more correctly called nuclear force or residual binding energy, is released when a nucleus transitions from a state requiring more nuclear force to one requiring less nuclear force. An example is where a heavy nucleus such as uranium is split into two lighter nuclei. Another example is where two light nuclei, such as hydrogen, is fused in to a heavier nucleus. In both cases, the nuclear force required to sustain the result is less than the original component(s), and the differential nuclear force (and the corresponding mass) is released.

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Q: The nuclear binding energy is released when a nucleus?
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What is nuclear and nucleus binding energy?

Nuclear or nucleus binding energy are one and the same. IT is the force which is holding the nucleons together (protons and neutrons). Higher the binding energy , higher the stability of the nucleus.

This is also known as atomic energy?

The source of atomic energy is the "binding energy" that exists in the nucleus of all atoms. This is the energy that is contained in the union of the protons and neutrons of the nucleus. When the nucleus is split apart, the binding energy is released.

Were do you get nuclear energy?

You get nuclear energy from the binding energy (Strong Atomic Force) that holds the nucleus together.

What energy is needed to break up a nucleus of an atom?

the nuclear binding energy

Where the energy in a nuclear reactor comes from?

Excess binding energy of the uranium nucleus.

What is the potential energy in the nucleus of an atom called?

The energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called atomic or nuclear energy. This energy is potential because it is kinetic.

Where does nuclear power receive its energy?

The energy of nuclear power comes from the binding energy that holds an atomic nucleus together. A heavy nucleus, usually uranium-235, splits into two smaller nuclei and releases three neutrons. These new nuclei have less binding energy than the original, and the excess energy is released as heat.

What makes up the energy released in a nuclear detonation?

nuclear binding energy

How does binding energy per nucleon effect the stability of a nucleus?

The greater the nuclear binding energy, the more stable the nucleus. Even numbers of nucleons also make the nucleus more stable.

What is the order of binding energy per nucleon nucleus?

It is the division of the nuclear binding energy over the mass number.

What makes nuclear power nuclear?

The word nuclear comes from nucleus. Nuclear power comes from the release of binding energy (Strong Atomic Force) in the nucleus of atoms.

How do you turn nuclear energy into thermal energy?

Nuclear binding energy is what holds the nucleus of an atom together. When an atom is split, some of the binding energy is released. At the level of the atom, it is kinetic energy of the daughter atoms and particles. This is not different from their temperature, and so the nuclear binding energy is turned directly into heat on the fission of the atom. When we speak of nuclear energy, we are often speaking of nuclear power, referring to nuclear power plants. The above answer really works for them also, at the fundamental level.