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It is part of the Sacrament of Marriage.

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Q: The nuptial blessing is part of what sacrament?
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Related questions

What is nuptial blessing?

A nuptial blessing is a prayer offered by a priest during a wedding ceremony that calls upon God to bless and strengthen the marriage. It is a sacred and significant moment in the wedding ceremony where the couple receives God's grace and blessing for their union.

Why is the blessing on the head important while having your confirmation?

The blessing on the head is part of the matter of the sacrament.

What are different sacramentals?

the anointing in baptism, the prayers used in last anointing , the nuptial blessing given in marriage, the sign of the cross, holy water, the rosary, the way of the cross and benediction of the blessed Sacrament.

Can nuns officiate at weddings?

Technically speaking, no, as this does not comport with Canon Law. However, there have been instances of nuns "unofficially" officiating at weddings "under the radar" so to speak.Roman Catholic AnswerNo, marriage is a sacrament, and the nuptial blessing can only be imparted by a clergyman: Bishop, Priest, or Deacon.

What are the 5 things used in church wedding?

Roman Catholic answer:The Sacrament of matrimony itself consists only in the mutual offer and acceptance of matrimonial rights. The nuptial blessing is the sacrament itself. So the only things that are required are two individuals, of the opposite sexes, who are free to marry, two witnesses, and the priest. I have a feeling that is not what you are asking for, however. If you can send me a note (to PiusX), I can answer better.

Anyone have the lyrics to Michael Joncas Nuptial Blessing?

Go to GIA Publications. Can order music. Michael Joncas, composer

What is the Sacrament for the dying?

Catholic AnswerThere is not a specific sacrament for the dying, I believe what you are referring to used to be known as Last Rites. Last Rites consists, if possible, of confession, Anointing, Holy Communion, and the Last Blessing, which amounts to three Sacraments plus the Blessing. The Last Blessing follows the Sacrament of Anointing (used to be called Unction or Extreme Unction) and the priest imparts the Apostolic Blessing which gives a plenary indulgence to the dying person.

Who are the ministers of sacrament of matrimony?

The ministers of Matrimony are the man and woman themselves. They "marry" each other. The priest is just the Church's official witness, and he pronounces the nuptial blessing. This is why a couple can get married, with permission, before a protestant minister, or even with no witnesses or Church permission if they are stuck on a desert island and there is no one around.

What part of speech is sacrament?

Sacrament is a noun.

How does the Sacrament of the Sick help people in their journey to life after death?

1, it's not Sacrament of the Sick, it's the Anointing of the Sick, and it gives them a speciall blessing to heal them

How do you use sacrament in a sentence?

The priest performed the sacrament of baptism on the newborn baby.

Is this correct wording your presence at the Nuptial Mass uniting their daughter in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony?

From "Crane's Blue Book of Stationery: The Styles and Etiquette of Letters Notes, and Invitations": Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Doe request the honour of your presence at the nuptial mass at which their daughter Jane Ann and Mr. James Philip Madison will be united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony Saturday, the fifth of June Two thousand and ten at seven o'clock Saint Vincent Church Bridgeport, Connecticut