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The Paleolithic Age.

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3d ago

The Old Stone Age is also known as the Paleolithic period. It is characterized by the use of stone tools and the development of early human societies.

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What is a crafts worker during the old stone age?

a stone age craftsworkeria also known as artisan :)

What is a stone age also known as?

The Stone Age is also known as the Paleolithic period. It is characterized by the use of stone tools by early humans for hunting, gathering, and building shelters. The Stone Age is divided into three main stages: the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic), the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic), and the New Stone Age (Neolithic).

Is flint from the new stone age or old stone age?

Flint tools were commonly used during the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic era. This period predates the New Stone Age, also called the Neolithic era, where more advanced tools and techniques were developed for agriculture and settlement.

The old stone age is also called the?

the old stone age is also called the paleolithic age

What is another name for the old stone age?

The old stone age is also known as the Paleolithic era. During this time, early humans used simple stone tools and lived as hunter-gatherers.

What is the old stone age and the new stone age?

The Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic Age, refers to a period in prehistory characterized by the use of simple stone tools. The New Stone Age, or Neolithic Age, followed the Old Stone Age and is marked by the development of agriculture, pottery, and more complex tools and technologies.

Did humans discover fire in the old stone age or the new stone age?

Humans discovered fire in the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic period. The use of fire for cooking, warmth, and protection dates back to around 1.5 million years ago.

Is flint old Stone Age or the New Stone Age?

Flint tools were commonly associated with the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic era. During this time, early humans used flint to create tools for hunting and survival, marking an important development in human history.

What is another name for Mesolithic?

it is called middle stone age

What is the middle stone age also known as?

The Middle Stone Age is also called the Middle Paleolithic or Mesolithic Ages. There are two different systems of naming. One has Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages, with the Middle Stone Age being equivalent of the Middle Paleolithic Age. The other divides the Stone Age into the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic, the Middle Stone Age or Mesolithic, and the New Stone age or Neolithic.

What stone age was the spear invented in?

The spear was invented in the Lower Paleolithic period, also known as the Old Stone Age, which dates back to around 2.5 million years ago.

How is the old stone age and the new stone age similar?

The Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic Era, and the New Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic Era, were both characterized by the use of tools made from stone. They both relied on hunting and gathering for sustenance, although the New Stone Age saw the emergence of early agricultural practices. Additionally, both periods saw the development of social structures and the use of fire for various purposes.