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The only way to break down a compound is through a chemical reaction.

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Q: The only way to break down a compound is through a?
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What type of change is needed to break down a compound?

The only way to break down a compound is through chemical change. sometimes, energy is needed for a chemical change to happen. 8thGrader,(:

Is a physical change the only way to break down a compound?

No, chemical change is the only way.

A material that can be broken down by chemical method is a?

A compound.A compound is composed of elements. If you were to break down a compound you would get new compounds or elements.

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No, only zombies can break down doors.

Demerol breakdown to morphine in drug screen?

No. Only morphine and hydromorphone (Dilaudid) will break down into the same compound. Demerol reduces to norperidine after it is metabolized.

What emzyems only break down starch?

Amylases (enzymes) break down or degrade starch.

How is a compound broken into its components?

There are various ways to break down compounds into their constituent elements. Any compound will break down at a sufficiently high temperature. Electrolysis is useful for many industrial processes, such as the refinement of aluminum. In terms of organic chemistry, there are enzymes which catalyze the breakdown of specific molecules, usually into simpler molecules, rather than into elements. The specific technique you use would depend upon the specific compound that you wish to break down.

Why do minerals not break down when cooked?

Minerals don't break down when cooked because they are at their most integral form. Only at extremely high temperatures will minerals break down.

Does styrofoam break down?

Styrofoam plates do not decompose, This makes them unsafe for the environment. Paper or plastic plates should be used since they can be recycled.

What term refers to a substances that can only be broken down chemically?

Molecules of substances cannot be broken down unless through chemical means. The bonds between atoms in molecules are too strong to break apart through other means.

Why does laboratory uses compound microscope instead of simple microscope?

Only through compound microscope we can observe cells

Can beads that are made of glass break down into salts and other elements?

First, salts are compounds, not elements so with only a few exceptions a complex substance will not break down into salts. Glass can be broken down into its component elements, as can any mixture or compound, but in this case it would be difficult. The main component of glass is usually silicon dioxide, a relatively inert compound, which can be broken down into silicon and oxygen. It will not break down into salts. Other substances such as sodium bicarbonate, aluminum oxide, and magnesium oxide may be incorporated depending on the type of glass. The metals present may yield salts under the right conditions.