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Q: The organization of the Germanic tribes into a confederation of seven kingdoms?
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What and where was the Frankish kingdom?

The Franks were originally a confederation of Germanic tribes east of the Rhine that from AD 257.

What did the germanic tribes do to the rest of the roman empire?

They established their own kingdoms - the Franks, Vandals, Goths, Bulgars, Huns etc.

What group conquered the former roman province of Gaul-?

The Franks conquered the former Roman province of Gau. They were a confederation of Germanic tribes.

What main idea between 400 and 700 ad germanic tribes carved western europe into small kingdoms the most successful of which was that of the franks?


Where did the most of Invaders of the roman Empire Originate?

Germanic barbarian tribes

What alphabets were used by Germanic tribes?

Literate Germanic tribes used Norse runes, although some tribes were aware of the Latin alphabet as well.

Who was Germanic invaders?

Germanic invaders were various tribes from northern Europe who migrated and invaded the Roman Empire during the late antiquity period. These tribes included the Goths, Vandals, Franks, and Visigoths, among others. They played a significant role in the downfall of the Western Roman Empire and the subsequent formation of new kingdoms in Europe.

Europe after the fall of rome?

When the western Roman empire collapsed in 476 AD, the unifying force for most of Europe was gone. Along with the loss of the government, much of the engineering abilities and modern amenities were also lost. The Barbarians of Europe did not, for the most part, have the abilities or knowledge to build roads, aqueducts or the other marvels of the Roman Empire, which is why the period immediately after Rome's collapse is often referred to as the "Dark Ages".

How did Germanic kingdoms gain power in the early Middle Ages?

The Franks were one of the western Germanic tribes. The Franks spanned the ancient and early medieval era.

5 germanic tribes?


What tribes invade northern Rome?

The Germanic tribes

Who spoke Germanic?

Germanic languages were spoken by ancient Germanic tribes and later evolved into modern German, English, Dutch, and other languages. Some famous Germanic-speaking figures include the Anglo-Saxon warriors who invaded England, Charlemagne of the Franks, and the Gothic tribes in Eastern Europe.