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Q: The ozone layer causes a temperature increase in the?
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What layer does the temperature increase because of ozone absorption of UV?

The layer that increases temperature is stratosphere. The ozone lies within.

What causes the temperature variation in the stratosphere?

The ozone layer

Can the ozone layer cause global warming?

Ozone depletion causes global warming. This then causes global temperature to change.

Does the ozone layer thin during winter months?

The ozone layer this during winters. It is due to the increase in depletion at low temperature.

How is ozone depletion affecting the weather?

Ozone depletion causes holes in the layer. It increases the temperature of the earth.

How does increase of population contribute to the thinning of ozone layer?

Increase of population causes more greenhouse gases. This leads to more ozone depletion..

If ozone layer is destroyed on earth surfaces earth surface temperature decrease or increase?

it will increase (get hotter).

Is the ozone layer's temperature the same as the stratosphere?

The temperature of ozone layer is same as stratosphere. It is because ozone layer is in stratosphere.

What will earths temp be if the ozone layer is destroyed?

Since there is global warming responsible for ozone depletion. The earth's temperature will increase.

What is the principal cause of the ozone layer that changes the global climate?

Ozone depletion causes global warming. This can then change the global temperature.

What are the consequences of the ozone layer destruction?

Ozone layer blocks about 97% of the the total received by the earth. Ozone depletion will expose earth to harmful radiations and will burn the life. The temperature will increase and make earth inhabitable place.

What harm is done by ozone depletion?

Ozone depletion causes increase in temperature of the earth. It is harmful for the survival of life on earth.