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phosphate and calcium

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Q: The parathyroids are responsible for regulating proper levels of which elements in the blood?
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Which level of government is responsible for regulating USA payday loans?

There are two levels of government responsible for regulating payday loans. These forms of loans are regulated by the federal and state levels of government.

What factors are most responsible for regulating calicium levels in the blood?

activity and diet

The three factors most responsible for regulating calcium levels?

parathyroid hormone, vit D, calcitonin

Which glands control blood sugar levels?

The pancreas is responsible for regulating blood glucose levels through the production of insulin and glucagon.

What are the hormones responsible for regulating glucose levels?

glucagon and insulin are responsible for regulating glucose levels in normal circumstances glucagon promotes glycogen breakdown into glucose for energy insulin promotes glucose storage as glycogen however in times of danger adrenaline also affects glucose levels as it promotes significantly glycogen breakdown into glucose for extra energy

What is primarily responsible for the elements' different chemical responses?

the number of electrons in their outermost energy levels

Which gland relates to the structure of calcium in blood?

The thyroid gland produces calcitonin which lowers blood calcium levels and the parathyroids produce parathyroid hormone which increases blood calcium levels.

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The function of the chemoreceptors in regulating breathing is that they respond to low levels of oxyhemeglobin.

Which structures is involved in regulating calcium levels?

activity and diet

What gland is responsible for regulating minerals in the body but is also part of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system?

The adrenal glands (cortex) produce mineralocorticoids. One of these is aldosterone which regulates sodium levels.

What is the hormone whose production in inadequate amounts results in tetany?

excess calcitonin or decreased parathormone

Smooth ER has several functions including regulating what?

It regulates calcium levels.