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Q: The part of the essay writing process thats immediately after the rough draft is?
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The part of the essay writing process that's immediately after the rough draft is?


The part of the essay-writing process that's immediately after the rough draft is?


The part of the essay-writing process that's immediately after the outline is?

The rough draft.

The part of the essay-writing process immediately before outlining is .?


The process during which you take the organizational structure of your outline and use it as a blueprint for writing your first attempt at a complete essay is known as what?

Writing a rough draft

The part of the essay-writing process that's immediately after global and local revisions is?

Feedback and revision

In which order should the writer of a process essay present the process?

The order of the steps in a process essay include working on the question, brainstorming the question, brief research, focus, separating issues and ideas, ordering information, following your writing structure, writing the second draft, and proofreading and editing.

What should you do when writing a process essay?

You should never provide a bulleted list of instructions when writing a process essay

What are the correct orders of writing an essay?

Revising, rough draft, prewriting

Is part of the writing process when writing an essay?


What is the first of the writing process for a process essay?


What writing explains a process?

The type of writing that explains a process is known as a how-to essay. This essay explains how to accomplish a task or process in chronological order, and explicit detail.