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tytyrtyjy tyryyryy

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Q: The path a sound waves travels before you hear a whistle being blown?
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How many times is a train's whistle blown before it backs up?


How many seconds in volleyball does the service get after the whistle is blown?

After the whistle is blown, the service gets 5 seconds in volleyball.

What does the center observe before making a center pass?

they have to make sure they are in the circle and the whistle has been blown.

What vibrates in a whistle?

The air you blown in.

In hockey what does it mean when the puck is live?

It means the puck is till being handled and the whistle has not blown to stop play.

Does play stop when the whistle is blown in soccer?

Always. Even if the whistle was accidental, play must stop.

Does wind affect the pitch of a whistle?

the pitch doesnt actually change but it might sound quieter to you because the sound it being blown away

How do you determine if a word is a past or past participle?

The past participle: Refers to verbs that usually ends in a 'ed' with the exception of irregular verbs.For example with irregular verbs:awake (simple present) ---------arose (past particple)was, were................................. beenblew.......................................... blownExamples: She blew the whistle (simple past)The whistle was blown. ( past particle)Details:The whistle was blownwas

What is the sign used by soccer officials to end the game of soccer?

the whistle is blown

What are the breaks in a netball game?

I am guessing you mean breaking. Breaking occurs on a centre pass when someone from either team crosses over the line, except for centre, into the centre third before the umpire calls the whistle

Why do engineers on trains blow whistles at railroad crossing?

As a warning for the way to be cleared. A whistle may also be blown before a train enters a long tunnel or deep cutting, in case engineers are working on the track ahead.

Why does a whistle makes a high sound?

A whistle makes a high sound because of the short length of the whistle's tube, which amplifies high-frequency sounds. When air is blown into the whistle and vibrates at a high frequency, it produces a high-pitched sound.