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increase working capital

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Q: The payment of a current liability will?
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If payment on a current liability?

Payment On Current Liability Debit The Current Liability (say Sundry Creditor) (Liability Decreases) Credit Cash Or Bank (Current Asset Decreases)

Is unearned revenue a current liability when advance payment received for construction work?


Is payment in advance a current asset or a liability in the balance sheet in the UK?

Advances from any other person to our firm how will i take - In Liability what is the head

Why we treat provison for tax as current liability?

With the process of provision we create the amount and set aside to payment for taxes in future as it is payable in short term future that's why it is called current liability.

Is liability for withholding taxes a current or non current liability?

current liability

How to treat Creditor in a balance sheet?

Creditors are the people which gives products on credit to business for payment in future, as it is liability of business so it is shown under current liability at liability side of balance sheet .

How is debt expressed on a balance sheet?

Debt is shown in liability side of balance sheet as per the payment time duration if within one year then current liability otherwise long term liability.

Does interest payable go on a balance sheet?

Interest payable is the interest which is not yet paid and required payment to be made so it is the liability of the company and that's why it will show as a current liability under liability side of the balance sheet.

Is bonds payable current liability?

Yes, Salaries Payable would be considered a Current Liability as the company will pay the amount off in less than one year (or one accounting period). Current Liability as any liability that will be... Yes, Current Liabilities are liabilities that will be paid off in one year or less. Accounts Payable is where you record such liabilities. If it's a payment that will be made in more than one year.

Is bonds payable a current liability?

Yes, Salaries Payable would be considered a Current Liability as the company will pay the amount off in less than one year (or one accounting period). Current Liability as any liability that will be... Yes, Current Liabilities are liabilities that will be paid off in one year or less. Accounts payable is where you record such liabilities. If it's a payment that will be made in more than one year.

Are bill payable is current liability?

Yes, bill Payable would be considered a Current Liability as the company will pay the amount off in less than one year (or one accounting period). Current Liability as any liability that will be...Yes, Current Liabilities are liabilities that will be paid off in one year or less. Accounts payable is where you record such liabilities. If it's a payment that will be made in more than one year..

Are lease provisions a current liability or non current liability?

Non-current liability, all provisions are non current.