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ice age

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Q: The period of time during which long cold spells were predominant was called the?
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What was the period of time during which long cold spells were predominate?

Ice Age A+

What is a period of hot dry spells?


What is a collection of magic spells called?

There are many names a collection of spells could be called. Here are a few: - a Book of Shadows (although these rarely contain just spells) - a Grimoire (again, these usually contain many things including spells) - a Magical Workbook (this is what mine are called and I have many) - a Magician's Companion/Compendium - a Book of Spells

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What are Protective magic spells are called?

Protective magic spells? Maybe "Spells for Protection" or "Protective Rituals" or any other variation of the above.... There isn't really a technical term for it.

What is the Egyptian book of spells for the afterlife called?


What are sheets of papyrus with spells on them called?

A papyrus scroll

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What was a collection of spells burreid with the mummy in encient Egypt?

All the spells used were selected from a sacred book called the Book of the Dead.

What is a protective magic spell called?

They are generally called what they are: banishing, binding, shielding, hexing, etc. ____________ Protective spells are called protective spells, and can sometimes be called defensive magicks. Banishing, binding, shielding, hexing, etc are something completely different and separate.

What is dry spells?

A dry spell refers to a period of time with little to no rain or precipitation. It can lead to drought conditions, affecting agriculture, water supply, and the environment. Dry spells can have significant impacts on ecosystems and human activities that rely on water.