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Q: The pirates and I are headed for the playoffs Is this a correct sentence?
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The pirates and him are headed for the playoffs Is this a correct sentence?

No. The proper form of the pronoun is "he", as in the separate sentences. This is clearer when the third-person pronoun is placed first, as it properly should be. Separately : The Pirates are headed for the playoffs. He is headed for the playoffs. Joined : He and the Pirates are headed for the playoffs. * You can normally determine the proper form by reading the sentence aloud. Most speakers learned the proper form through simple repetition, and are only confused by the written form.

How do you spell level-headed?

That is the correct spelling of "level-headed" (calm, composed, reasonable).

How do you spell headed?

That is the correct spelling of the word "head" (upper part of the body, or a leader).

What is a sentence with the word headed in it?

The old man headed to a shopping centre near an abandoned house.

How do you use big headed in a sentence?

Big-headed is a slang term meaning vain or stuck-up. Don't be so big-headed.

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Your complacent sister is headed for an unpleasant awakening.

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That hot-headed felon is a regular recidivist.

Make sentence with hydra?

The many-headed hydra is a fearsome creature.

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I packed my valise and headed for the airport.

Which set of words correctly completes the following sentence Jim ran the door and headed the hospital?

Which set of words correctly completes the following sentence? "Jim ran ______ the door and headed ___ the hospital. A) threw, to

How do you spell homebound?

That is the correct spelling of "homebound" (headed home, or stuck at home).

What is a sentence for ginger?

The red-headed kid did not appreciate being called a ginger.