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Before the constitution, the United States government was based on the Articles of Confederation. However, these weren't successful because they gave too much power to the states and not enough to the central government. For example, the central government couldn't tax the states, they could only ask for money. The states didn't have to give them any. Also, the central government couldn't control trade between the states or the states and other countries. This meant that the states could charge ridiculous prices for goods and other countries wouldn't want to trade with the US.

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Before the Constitution the US used the Articles of Confederation. These were very weak and so delegates met to revise them. From there came the Constitution.

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Q: The plan of government the US used before the Constitution?
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Plan of government used before the constitution?

The Articles of Confederation.

Plan of government used before the constitution went into effect was?

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What was the plan of government used before the constitution went into effect?

The Articles of Confederationarticles of confederation

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The Articles of Confederation.

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It is part of the constitution which is still an active working plan for government.

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The Conatitutional Convention was held in 1787. Before the Constitution, the U.S. government used the Articles of Confederation.

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The First Government of the United StatesAmericans had significant experience with self-government before the writing of the Constitution in 1787, and this experience shaped the political views of the framers who wrote the Constitution and factored into the formation of the first government. A constitution is a set of rules that determines how power will be used legitimately in a state. Contrary to popular belief, few governments have been created by written constitutions.

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The First Government of the United StatesAmericans had significant experience with self-government before the writing of the Constitution in 1787, and this experience shaped the political views of the framers who wrote the Constitution and factored into the formation of the first government. A constitution is a set of rules that determines how power will be used legitimately in a state. Contrary to popular belief, few governments have been created by written constitutions.

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What documents explains the form the government used in the United States?

The Constitution