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Q: The plants in the bottle use oxygen for respiration. Explain why does the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the bottle garden stay the same over a week?
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What are the functions of bjorn bottle?

in fact it is used to pour small amount of cultured cells or any other laboratorial

Function of dropping bottle?

A low density polyethylene (LDPE) bottle supplied with a removable bellow-type dropping pipette. The pipettes are graduated for nominal indication of amount of liquid being drawn. Bellows-shaped bulb makes for easy use and provides excellent drop information.

Why plants can survive in a sealed bottle?

Plants can survive in a sealed bottle for several reasons. The first being that plants need sunlight to live. If the bottle is clear, then the plants can get the light they need. Plants also need water. In a sealed bottle (assuming the bottle is not a vacuum) there is air in the bottle, as the moisture builds up inside the bottle from the process of evaporation and condensation, water is formed, feeding the plants the water they need. Lastly, plants create oxygen through photosynthesis. This oxygen creation gives the plants the air they need and also puts more moisture in the air, creating more condensation and creates a continuous cycle of feeding the plant, allowing it to continue to thrive.

Why does soda burn your tongue?

It fizzes the same in your mouth as in a glass. The carbon dioxide was dissolved in the liquid due to pressure. But when you depressureize the container when you open the bottle or can, the carbon dioxide "undissolves" and escapes from the liquid. This is what is happening in a glass or container, as well as in your mouth.

Can a glass bottle pierce through a human skull?

Given enough relative velocity, almost anything can. That said, you're talking about a huge amount of velocity. More likely is blunt force trauma.