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Q: The populations living on a rough steep mountain would have a higher rate of speciation than those living in a large open grassland because the mountain would?
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What are 3 events that can lead up to speciation?

Isolation often leads to speciation, because as each isolated population evolves new characteristics, the separate populations eventually get DNA that is too different for the two to breed and have fertile offspring (this is the point when speciation has occurred). In the case that there is not isolation, the whole species must slowly evolve until it becomes a new species. However, here the line between where the speciation actually occurred becomes blurry, because it doesn't happen in a single generation.

How can islation lead to formation of new species?

Allopatric Speciation (geographic isolation) can lead to the formation of a new species because the population is split in two smaller populations by a physical barrier (river, canyon, mountain...).

Does a rugged mountain terrain have a high or low rate of speciation?

A rugged mountain terrain would have a high rate of speciation because mountain would prevent organisms from interacting; hence, gene flow would stop.

Populations of a species that now differ genetically because they have adapted to different living conditions have undergone?

Speciation if members from different groups can no longer produce fertile off-spring.

How do evolution and microevolution differ?

Miroevolution is the change in allele frequency overtime in populations of organisms not leading to speciation; below the taxa level. Macroevolution is speciation. This terminology is not favored by many biologists because there is some implied difference in processes. That is to get from micro to macro. Actually evolution long enough is macro. So, many biologist prefer the terms. Evolution Speciation instead of micro and macro

How does the existence of an archipelago promote speciation?

An archipelago is basically a group of islands. Speciation according to the Biological Species Concept by Ernest Mayr, is -- populations whose members can interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring. For example, the Galapagos finches studied by Charles Darwin. Some live on different parts of the archipelago and so have different features, adapting to their environment. These different feature obviously get passed down and are more frequent in future populations because those finches with this specific adaptation lived and reproduced better. So since there are different islands, there are different finch speciation and so the geographic isolation promotes speciation.

Polyploid speciation is perhaps the fastest form of speciation because it results in immediate?

reproductive isolation

How do prairie dogs adapt to grassland?

They can adapt to the grassland because they are fast to catch food

Do coyotes live around grassland areas?

coyotes live in the grassland because they eat buffalo

Mountain region is favourable for cattle rearing?

Mountain region is favourable for cattle rearing because mountain region lies at altitude of 3300m to 8848.86,. So mountain region mainly alpine forest and grassland and it is more suitable for cattle rearing.

Why similar organisms do not interbreed because of a physical barrier?

Allopatric Speciation

How does isolation relates to speciation?

Isolation such as geological can cause speciation because if one species where divided into two because of geological reasons, they're likely to change their behaviors and physical appearances to match that region.