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Q: The pressure that must be overcome for the ventricles to eject blood from the aorta is called?
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In blood pressure readingsystolic pressure is most closely associated with the?

Ventricular contraction. When ventricular pressure exceeds arterial pressure, the ventricles contract and eject blood into the aorta.

Which phase in cardiac cycle is systolic pressure?

Blood flows into the relaxed atria while the ventricles contract. <rephrased> The ventricles contract, carrying blood into the aorta, and blood flows into the relaxed atria.

What chambers of the heart?

The aorta and ventricles..

What does the ventricles pump blood into?

The aorta .

What is the lowest diastolic pressure heart can tolerate?

When after contraction of ventricles of heart, blood is propelled into circulatory system (both systemic and pulmonary circulation) and that pressure is called systolic pressure, witch dilates the aorta and large(and small also) arteries. When ventricles relax in diastole aortic (and pulmonary) valves close down and then aorta and large (and small also)arteries contract, witch are dilated during systole. Peripheral resistance in closed system maintain the lower blood pressure called diastolic blood pressure.

What is the bottom chamber called?

the bottom chambers of the heart are the left and right ventricles and pump blood to the aorta and lungs respectively.

What ventricle has the thickest wall and why?

left ventricles . as it pump blood to the aorta it needs a high pressure to take blood all over the body . left ventricle is thick as it needs a high pressure to pump blood and to withstand that pressure.

Why is it an advantage for the ventricles to contract from the bottom?

The pulmonary artery and the aorta lead upward and away from the ventricles. Since the ventricles contract from the bottom, blood is more efficiently pushed out of the heart.

How much blood from the aorta passes into the ventricles before the atria contract?

lots :)

During what phase does the ventricles force blood through the aorta?

ejection period

What is the pressure in the arteries during relaxation of the ventricles called?

Blood can only enter an artery, be it the aorta, when the left ventricle contracts, or the pulmonary arteries, when the right ventricle contracts, which both occur at the same time after ventricular systole which is contraction. Therefore, the answer is contract.

The entrance to the ascending aorta is guarded by?

The entrance to the ascending aorta is guarded by the semilunar valve. The semilunar valves are pocketlike structures attached at the point at which the pulmonary artery and the aorta leave the ventricles.