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The simple polypeptide chain.

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Q: The primary structure of a folded protein is?
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What level of molecular organization is a beta-folded sheet?

A beta-folded sheet is a secondary structure of a protein, which is the next level of molecular organization above the primary structure. It is formed by hydrogen bonding between adjacent segments of a polypeptide chain, creating a flat and elongated sheet-like structure.

How does a DNA molecule determined the structure of a protein?

The DNA sequence will determine the amino acid sequence known as the protein's primary structure. As the protein is folded into the secondary, tertiary and quatranary structures, the amino acid molecules will determine the shape

What does the tertiary structure of a protein tell you about the protein?

It tells us about the three dimensional structure of the protein in its folded configuration.

Which level of protein structure is unaffected when a protein is denatured?

The primary structure

How does a DNA molecule determine structures of a specific protein?

The DNA sequence will determine the amino acid sequence known as the protein's primary structure. As the protein is folded into the secondary, tertiary and quatranary structures, the amino acid molecules will determine the shape

What is primary structure of a protein and what causes it?

Primary structure of the protein is simply its amino acid sequence. It is the sequence in which amino acids are added during protein synthesis.

what is a biomolecular structure?

Biomolecular structure is the intricate folded, three-dimensional shape that is formed by a molecule of protein, DNA, or RNA, and that is important to its function.

Is the structure of protein primary?

The primary structure of proteins is simply a peptide (chain of amino acids).

Differentiate the four types of protein structure?

There are four types of protein structure. These include primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, and quaternary structure. Primary structure is the amino acid sequence. Secondary structure is the shape of the molecule. Tertiary structure is the interaction between groups. Quaternary structure is the interactions between protein subunits.

Of the four protein structureswhich level is lowest level of a protein structure?

the primary structure is the lowest level

Bond stabilizes protein folded 3D structure and DNA double helix 3D structure?

non polar bond

Does the primary structure of a polypeptide refer to its size?

In part, yes. The primary structure is just the sequence of amino acids. If the chain consists of many amino acids, then obviously the chain will be longer and the protein bigger. However, the secondary through quaternary structures have more to do with the way that chain is folded into a space.