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to rep the people, not the special interests

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* Policy-making

* Representation

* Oversight

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Q: The principle function of any legislature is?
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Is the word legislature a collective noun?

No, the noun 'legislature' is not a collective noun. However, collective nouns are an informal function of language, any noun can function as a collective noun in a suitable context without being a designated collective noun. For example:a legislature of sages or a legislature of baboons, depending on your point of viewa legislature of bulliesa legislature of puppies

Function always follows structure is referred to as the principle of what?

The principle of complementarity of structure and function.

What is the function of the legislature?

i think the answer is to make laws

Which constitutional principle allows for the legislature to veto items of the governor?

item veto

What kind of principle do lenses function on?

They are based on the principle of refraction.

What is the function of federal legislature?

i think the answer is to make laws

What is the principle of Function always follows structure?

This is known as the principle of complementarity.

When the anatomy of a body part is intimately tied to its specific function scientists call this the principle of?

principle of complementarity of structure and function

Do the legislature and executive exercise each others function?

Legislature can exercise the functions of executive but executive cannot exercise legislature functions. T.S.V. Diwakar Advocate & Arbitrator

What are the function of legislature?

The main function of legislature is to make laws. The next function is the financial function which includes allocation of funds. The third function is judicial function which involves impeachment The fourth function is deliberative functions. The fifth function is constituent function. The sixth function is electoral function. The seventh function is administrative functions

The principle function of perspiration?

To cool the body.

The principle function of perspiration is?

The principle function of perspiration is to regulate body temperature by cooling the skin through evaporation, helping to prevent overheating. Additionally, perspiration also helps to eliminate waste products and toxins from the body.