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Q: The process of actually dividing animal cells by constriction is called?
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When does the DNA replication process occur?

Constantly. Body (and plant and animal) cells are dividing all the time.

What is animal mitosis?

Animal mitosis refers to the process of the animal cell dividing. Cell division is one of the normal functions of the cell through which new cells are created.

Cytokinesis is evident in animal cells when?

When constriction occurs around the cell's equator

Can animal cells reproduce?

They reproduce by dividing.

Which structures in animal cells is visible in a dividing cell that are not visible in a non dividing cell?


Is there a game you can be the animal and breed?

There are some animal rpgs where you can create babies and stuff, but you can't actually say what happens during that process. Try this animal rpg about cats, wolves, horses, and owls

What process does not occur in animal cells?

The process of osmosis and photosynthesis are not performed by animal cells.

What animal bones give us oil and how?

Crude oil comes from the ground after many millions of plankton die. This is a process that takes thousands of years. Plankton is actually a plant, not an animal.

What pinches a dividing prokaryotic cell into two cells?

Animal cells

How do anacondas kill its pray?

Anacondas kill their prey by constriction. They coil around the prey animal, and wait until it breathes out, then tightens its coils. This restricts the animal from breathing in - and it dies very quickly from asphyxiation.

What food has nutria in it?

A nutria is actually an animal. A nutria is actually an animal.

How can you tell a dividing plant cell from a dividing animal cell?

Look for the double layered outer perimeter. The one with the double line has a cellular wall and is the plant cell.