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Q: The process of allows the liver to produce glucose form amino acids when there is adequate glucose in the diet?
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What process do living organisms break down glucose?

The Glycolysis process allows living organisms break down glucose

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What allows a plant to make glucose?

The process of photosynthesis, as catalyzed by chlorophyll or an equivalent molecule.

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Definition: The process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. Example: A leaf on a tree using sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen. Explanation: Photosynthesis is important for plants and other organisms because it allows them to produce their own food and release oxygen into the atmosphere. It's also a crucial process in the carbon and water cycle.

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anaerobic respiration

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What are the subtances needed for photosynthesis?

The light energy in photosynthesis allows water and carbon dioxide to be combined into glucose. However, enzymes are also necessary in the process.

Why is photosynthesis a critically important process?

Photosynthesis is the method which allows plants to make glucose(their source of nutriment). They are autotrophs and are located at the bottom of the food chain (the base if you will). If there is no more photosynthesis there is no more glucose. If there is no more glucose there is no more plants. If there is no more plants, there will be no more living things.

How do plants produce their food?

Plants use a process called photosynthesis that allows them to convert sunlight into energy so that they can survive. This process is done within the leaves of a plant.

What does serum insulin do?

Insulin allows glucose to move into cells. It thereby maintains glucose homeostasis.