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It is called "Conditioning" like Pavlov did with his dogs; linked a bell w/ salivation by feeding dogs when he rang a bell, so eventually the dogs salivated (response) just when they heard a bell (stimulus) without the food. Frequently used in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) an educational therapy & approach.

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Q: The process of linking a given stimulus with a given response is called?
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Transduction is the process of changing physical stimulus to natural stimulus. This causes receptor cells to produce an electrical change in response.

What is generalizing response?

Also called stimulus generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus similar to but distinct from the conditioned stimulus.Also called response generalization. the act or process of making a different but similar response to the same stimulus.Also called mediated generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus not physically similar to the conditioned stimulus and not previously encountered in conditioning.(fosfatidilserina)the act or process of perceiving similarity or relation between different stimuli, as between words, colors, sounds, lights, concepts or feelings; the formation of a general notion.

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The change is actually a stimulus and when the organism reacts to the stimulus, it becomes a response. Overall, The answer is a stimulus.

A organisms reaction to a stimulus?

An organisms reaction to a stimulus is called RESPONSE.

A reaction to a stimulus is called a?

A stimulus evokes a response.

What is a naturally occurring reaction to a particular stimulus?

The reaction to a stimulus is called a response. An intensified stimulus usually evokes a more intense response. Of course the type of response to a stimulus depends on the nature of the stimulus. Scream at someone and they likely will feel verbally attacked. The screaming is the stimulus, feeling attacked is the response.

When salivation occurs in response to a previously neutral stimulus it is called a?

conditioned response, specifically in the context of classical conditioning. This type of learning involves associating the neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit the response.

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