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Q: The production of US crude oil saw the smallest increase between which two decades?
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The production of US crude oil saw the smallest increase between these two decades?


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Research by health agencies, governments, universities and others around the world for decades indicates that alcohol ads do not increase total alcohol consumption. Producers spend millions of dollars on alcohol ads not to increase overall production, but to increase their own share of the market. Effective advertisers do so at the expense of their competitors, who lose market share.

How many decades were between the year 1820 to 1890?

7 decades which is 70 years

How many decades passed between the years 1800 and 1900?

Ten decades.

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It is 3 decades, because it is 30 years.

What year has 2 decades between?

While no year has 2 decades between years, perhaps you mean what years signal a decade has passed. Years ending by counts of 10, so...190019101920193019401950196019701980199020002010So if you wanted to show 2 decades with the above decades, it would be written as:1900 - 19201920 - 19401940 - 19601960 - 19801980 - 2000

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The enormous increase in the production of food grain (especially wheat) during the last 3 decades, due to use of seeds of HYV (=High Yield Varieties), higher dose of fertilizers and pesticides, and irrigation is known as green revolution.

How many decades is between 1973-2015?

As a decade is 10 years and there are 42 years between the two years given, then the answer is 4 decades. If you are looking at fixed decades, you could say the 80s, the 90s, the 00s, and so say 3 decades. So it depends on what way you want to specify your decades.