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Q: The proteins in the cell membrane allow substances to come or go based on their concentrations. This is an important part of which maintains the immediate conditions necessary for life.?
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Kc is the equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction related to concentrations. Kp is the equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction related to pressures. Generally, in normal conditions the effect of temperature is not so important.

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It is possible but the effect is not important.

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The answer is Aldosterone. Accounts for >95% of the mineralocorticoid produced; the essential function of mineralocorticoids is to regulate the electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids, (Na+ and K+)

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A word calling for immediate attention?

Will this word help...???Urgent - a : calling for immediate attention b: conveying a sense of urgencyorSignificant -a : important; of consequence