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Q: The rain kept us wet during your entire camping trip?
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When camping awnings are used for what purpose?

Awnings are canopies made from canvas to shelter people from the rain or sun. People use them during campings to serve as shields from the sun, rain or night cold for themselves. They also use them to create a form of privacy incase others, especially strangers, are present at the camping site.

Do all hairspray hold?

No. Not all hairspray hold as they say that they will. :( The hairsprays I recommend to you are probably White Rain, and Fekkai. They kept my hair holding throughout the entire day! ;)

During what season would you use a lean to for shelter?

All seasons. A leantoo will provide you shelter from snow, rain, sun, wind, etc.. When camping or hiking, shelter is your most important thing.

What can a rain cover be used for?

A rain cover can have a wide variety of uses. For hiking and camping, it makes a great rain poncho and tarp cover. It can be used for a ground barrier under a small tent.

Why is a rain gauge kept in open space away from trees and buildings?

A rain gauge ( an instrument used for the measurement of rain ) is not kept in open space away from trees and buildings so as to prevent the rain water collected in the buildings and trees from falling into the rain gauge.

A sentence using unrelenting?

The disgruntled scientist became an unremitting critic of the entire program. The unremitting rain ultimately ruined their dream vacation to the Bahamas.

Do you love camping?

I think everyone loves camping because well because there is a beach and a little store but i think some people don't because of the rain Everytime i go there it rains at night when your sleeping but i think it doesn't happend at every camping placeSo 100% sure people

When is the rain most slippery during rain?

rain forest

Is rain in Kenya important?

yes, without rain Kenya would eventually run out of water....rain is important everywhere in the entire world.

What is a good sentence for the word shelter?

the dog kept shelter from the rain ........

Why did the Mississippi flood happen?

Rain kept on falling which caused a river flood

Why does it rain during a hurricane?

There is rain during a hurricane because for there to be a hurricane there has to be water greater than 80 degrees on top of the water. This means that there is probably rain.