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Q: The redrawing of congressional district boundaries occurs apex?
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What does it mean if a congressional district has been gerrymandered?

Gerrymandering occurs when a congressional district's boundaries are redrawn to give one party a clear advantage over another. In the US, redistricting occurs after the results of the Census are tabulated. Redistricting is currently (2012) occurring in the US. Because in most states a state's legislature gets to decide on the redistricting plan, the party currently in power often attempts to give themselves an advantage in future elections by gerrymandering.

What is the relationship between congressional reaportionment and redistricting?

Congressional reapportionment occurs when a state gains or loses an electoral vote. Redistricting occurs when the new district is created or a former district is absorbed.

What is the process of redrawing congressional district maps?

districts must be equally populated. lines must be contiguous or connected. redistricting cannot dilute minority voting strength. district lines cannot be drawn solely based upon race. districts must be compact. communities of interest must be protected.

What occurs on transform boundaries?


What type of movement occurs at plate boundaries?

Convergent,Divergent, and Transform Boundaries

What do interactions at plate boundaries do?

an earthoquake occurs

What type of movement occurs at divergent boundaries?

I cant

What occurs at a divergent boundaries?

Tectonic plates divide

Which type of fault occurs at divergent boundaries?


Ocean trench occurs at what boundary?

Divergent boundaries.

Is a process that occurs at the convergent boundaries?

Slub pull.

Evidence of plate movement occurs at plate?

Plate boundaries