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distant storms

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Q: The regular swells that come to an ocean beach on a calm day are most likely to have originated from?
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The regular swells that come to an ocean beach a calm day are most likely to have originated from?

distant storms

A surf beach south of new Plymouthon the surf highway?

Back Beach is surfing beach in Taranaki, New Zealand just south of new Plymouth. Its located off Surf Highway 45. It has one to three and a half meter swells and a sandy beach.

When is the big-wave season at Sunset Beach on the north shore of Oahu?

Winter. Winter brings the good, big swells to the north shore.

Where do you get the star herbs on Panfu?

the star herbs are at the beach, not the carribean, just the regular beach with the hospital.

What channel is vh1 in Daytona beach?

regular cable channel 72

What is the plural possessive for beach?


Where is Rafael Jeans originally from?

Originated in Amsterdam, influenced by Italian high-end fashion and Brazillian beach-lifestyle culture.

What are some animals that are dangerous on the beach?

Most likely humans.

What what is most likely to cause orographic lifting?

Sandy beach

Where you most likely to see the bird called a plover?

At the beach!

Which whales beach themselves the most?

The whale that beach itself the most is a toothed whale, more likely a baleen whale.

What is the difference between beach volleyball and regular volleyball?

The difference between beach volleyball and sitting volleyball is that on the beach you do not sit to play volleyball where as obviously in sitting volleyball you would. Also I believe that usually disabled people play sitting volleyball. But I am quite sure that sitting volleyball could be played at the beach.